You Are Not Alone

The bookmark that
Adel gave me.
Someone I know had an operation last week. Surgeries, no matter minor or major, are always harrowing, not only for those undergoing it, but for family and friends as well. We stood by and worried, wishing that there was something that we could do to ease the pain, the fear and the uncertainties but there was little that we could do except pray.

The surgeons have done their job. Now is the time for healing – physically, emotionally and spiritually. We want you to know that no matter what, we will always stand by you, giving you all the support that we possibly can. You can always depend on us when you need someone to talk to.

I do not know what faith you are inclined towards but I will lift you up to God in prayer, everyday. When all that is humanly possible has been done, the one other thing that we can do is surrender ourselves to Him. He will never allow us carry more than we can bear. Trust in His Providence and all will be well again. He has worked wonders for me. I am confident that He will do the same for you.

When you feel that the world around you is falling apart, do not lose heart. Remember The Serenity Prayer. It has consoled me many times when I felt that my life was spiralling out of control. Know that irrespective of what your beliefs are, Jesus loves you all the same and is walking with you every step of the way. And also know that we are not far behind should you need us. Here is wishing you a speedy recovery.

The Serenity Prayer
by Reinhold Niebuhr

God, give us grace to accept with serenity
the things that cannot be changed,
courage to change the things
which should be changed,
and the wisdom to distinguish
the one from the other.

Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as Jesus did,
This sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it,
Trusting that You will make all things right,
If I surrender to Your will,
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with You forever in the next.


Author: Peter Tan

Peter Gabriel Tan. Penangite residing in the Klang Valley. Blissfully married to Wuan. A LaSallian through and through. Slave to three cats. Wheelchair user since 1984. End-stage renal disease since 2017. Principal Facilitator at Peter Tan Training specialising in Disability Equality Training. Former columnist of Breaking Barriers with The Borneo Post. This blog chronicles my life, thoughts and opinions. Connect with me on Twitter and Facebook.

17 thoughts on “You Are Not Alone”

  1. I hope and pray that this person recovers swiftly. And thank you for reminding me of the prayer. I am in need of getting close to God again.

  2. Sweetspirit,
    That is a beautiful prayer. It has pulled me through some difficult times.

  3. Hi Peter, Thanks for the reminder. I hv always liked this prayer because it’s so true and comforting. May your friend recover soon.

  4. Bkworm,
    Yes, this prayer is very comforting. When we do what we can, accept those that we cannot change and leave the rest to God, life becomes so much simpler. Thank you for your wishes.

  5. Thank you Peter for putting up such a beautiful prayer. I will definitely use it whenever I need a spiritual boost 🙂
    Hope your friend is holding up alright. Collective prayer does help…

  6. If this is for my sis, Pete, thanks a lot – it is indeed very comforting for me to know that I am not praying alone……’s extremely difficult for me being so far away.

  7. Cherry,
    You are welcome. This prayer is meaningful in many ways because of what it has done for me when I needed comfort most. It has a calming effect over the most distressing situations. I am sure she is happy to know that there are many who are rooting for her too. Thank you.

    Yes. You are not alone in praying as you can see from all the comments above. I am sure she will get well soon especially with so many people lifting her up in prayers. You take care too. God bless.

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