Adel has been my co-catechist for almost one year now. Together with Anne, my catechist, we agreed that they will continue to catechise me at home even after my baptism since I was unable to attend the RCIA Sessions (Rites of Christian Initiation of Adults) usually conducted after Sunday Mass. We also discovered that Adel?s son Matthew and I were schoolmates for eleven years, first at La Salle School up to Form Three and then St. Xavier?s Institution during our upper secondary years. We were also in the school athletics team together. Matthew and I have not met since we left school after Form Five.
Adel is more than a catechist to me. Together with the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit?s Prayer Group, she had come to pray for Mum the night before Mum passed away and again when Mum?s ashes were interred at the columbarium seven days later. Apart from our regular Tuesday catechism sessions, Adel has also taken special concern for my well-being, knowing that I was suffering from chronic kidney failure. She would call to check on me every now and then. On a few occasions, she had dropped in together with her fellow secular Franciscans of the Secular Franciscan Order (SFO) who were on their rounds visiting the infirmed in the hospitals to pray for me and even celebrated my birthday with me this year.
Adel will be going for an operation next week. I pray that the Good Lord will keep her safe. Despite being ill for a while now, Adel has never let that hold her down. Instead she continued to serve God. She put her nursing skills to good use after her retirement by reaching out to comfort those in need. Many have been touched by her tireless effort. Please pray for Adel that she may be blessed with the grace of God and that her operation will be successful and her recovery quick.
Adel shall be in my prayers and also the prayers of , my pathway group…
At my pathway group we say prayer in silence in our own time but also as group posting , maybe you’d like to join .
Ok sweety Adel shall be in our prayers
Hi Peter
Will definitely keep Adel close in my thoughts and prayers for a smooth operation and speedy recovery.
Find the thickest Bible and throw it on my head. I used to call the RCIA facilitators ‘my teachers’ and my fellow ‘classmates’ – coursemates. So, I do get a little blur who catechist is? Teacher or coursemate? Like you, I also missed a huge part of my RCIA because I got pregnant and thereafter, had to be on bed-rest followed by confinement. It will be cool to have ‘home tuition’ like you. I actually planned to join the RCIA (your batch) to continue those lessons I missed but you know…
Thank you. What do the pathway group do?
Adel will appreciate that. A catechist is one who teaches catechumens. They are called RCIA facilitators now.
Will uphold Adel in prayer. God always watches over His faithful servants.
That He does and more. Thank you.
Hi Peter
I’ll tell ya on IM
well…I’m not religious, but she sounds like a really nice person and I hope all goes well for her
maybe you could cook something for her…?
Adel is really a nice person. You do not have to be religious to pray. Positive thoughts will do too. I’d love to cook for her but she is on a special diet. Maybe we can go for a makan after she is discharged.
I will keep her in my prayers, Peter.
Thank you.