Amidst the horrific destruction and tragedy of the Sumatran earthquake and tsunami, there appear glimmers of hope and stories that warm the cockles of one?s heart. After the incredible rescue of Malawati who had been adrift at sea for five days, comes the astonishing account of Rizal Shahputra. He was picked up by a passing container vessel after sitting on to a tree trunk for nine days 100 nautical miles out at sea. Likewise Malawati was found 100 nautical miles from where she was swept out to sea by the tidal waves that flattened Banda Acheh. I pray that more of these survivors will be located before it is too late. These are the true survivors. Everything else pales in comparison.
2 thoughts on “Tsunami Tragedy: True-Blue Survivors”
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I have been following the news since day one. My heart goes out to all the tsunami victims and I too pray that we will see more miracles appear.
God bless.
Amen to that.