Point And Shoot

Wuan is an avid photographer. Many times, I have used the photos that she took for my entries. She takes nice pictures. There was one time she patiently stood under the burning sun for a very long time just to capture that perfect shot of a blooming lotus. She has taken more than three thousand images since she got her Canon Powershot A95 in January. That is about the same amount of images that my Nikon Coolpix 3100 has captured in two years, many by her too.

We have been toying with the idea of putting her digital images online. After months of procrastinating, her photoblog called Point and Shoot is finally up. For the moment, Point and Shoot will be a subdomain of petertan.com. It runs on WordPress. She is currently in the process of tweaking the template and theme. This will be developed over the next few weeks or months, depending on how much time she has to spare for this new enterprise.

Author: Peter Tan

Peter Gabriel Tan. Penangite residing in the Klang Valley. Blissfully married to Wuan. A LaSallian through and through. Slave to three cats. Wheelchair user since 1984. End-stage renal disease since 2017. Principal Facilitator at Peter Tan Training specialising in Disability Equality Training. Former columnist of Breaking Barriers with The Borneo Post. This blog chronicles my life, thoughts and opinions. Connect with me on Twitter and Facebook.

15 thoughts on “Point And Shoot”

  1. Yay, another photoblog to add to my photoblog links. Which reminds me, I should probably get those links from the browser and store them in my blog. 😉

  2. Finally a photolog for Wuan. Yay! Now I can spent my hours going ooohh and aaahh over the photos she’s taken. Kudos! 😉

  3. ya, wuan do take nice photos. must be quite an expert by now at photo taking. me as i seldom take photos still a bit blur blur.

    i will bookmark wuan’s photo page and goes into it to enjoy the lovely photos when i’m free. btw, i’m going to start a photo page too… but i will have very few photos in the page as i only take photos when there is an event.

  4. Just a suggestion,
    You could try pixelpost.org . It’s a photoblog software.I’m using it.

    and yup,she takes great photos.Love the perspective.

  5. Well…all I can say is that WP has pretty nice Photoblogging plugins. I’ll bet you’re already using that. 🙂

  6. She has my audience, best of luck to her on her endeavour. Been following her pics hosted on your site, I’m sure they’ll be a blast 😀

  7. BawangMerah,
    Some of those photoblogs have pretty amazing photos.

    I am sure Wuan is happy to know that her photos are appreciated. Thanks.


    Looking forward to your photo pages.

    Life Feel,
    All the best.

    Thanks for the suggestion. I have checked PixelPost. Looks interesting. I have been following your photoblog too. Yours are no less interesting. Good work.



    I am still learning about WP. What are the plugins for?

    You are one of those sifu photobloggers. Wuan will be happy to know that you like her photos too.

  8. suanie,
    I know. ;P

    Yes, she does have a good pair of eyes and much steadier pair of hands for photography.


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