One More Month To Freedom

The requirement to attend the second three hours of Kursus Teori dan Amali JPJL2B has been fulfilled today. The next step is driving lessons. The soonest I can take the driving test is one month from the date of completing the Kursus Teori dan Amali and after having undergone twelve hours of driving lessons. Andy, the driving instructor, has worked out a schedule of eight sessions amounting to twelve hours to fulfill this. One more month…

Author: Peter Tan

Peter Gabriel Tan. Penangite residing in the Klang Valley. Blissfully married to Wuan. A LaSallian through and through. Slave to three cats. Wheelchair user since 1984. End-stage renal disease since 2017. Principal Facilitator at Peter Tan Training specialising in Disability Equality Training. Former columnist of Breaking Barriers with The Borneo Post. This blog chronicles my life, thoughts and opinions. Connect with me on Twitter and Facebook.

One thought on “One More Month To Freedom”

  1. Mobility makes Pete a happy boy! I’ll be on the lookout for a Lembu plated City when I’m in KL.

    Haha. Looking for an “L” plated City will be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

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