Jambatan Seri Wawasan with Masjid Putra and Bangunan Perdana Putra in the background.
The many times that I went to Putrajaya, I thought of it as a boring place. The roads are wide and traffic relatively light. There are very few people out and about, except at the government complexes, where the civil servants work, and civilians who are there on official business. Other than that, there are few reasons for people who do not reside or work there to be there. That was what I thought.
Unbeknownest to me, there are gems all over Putrajaya that is waiting to be discovered if I had just bothered to look harder. While looking for directions to Putrajaya Floria 2010, I discovered that there are a number of parks and gardens that Wuan and I would find interesting. I am eagerly looking forward to visiting the Taman Botani (Botanical Gardens) that is acclaimed as “a national sanctuary for the Malaysian living collection of plant taxonomy as well as a centre for education and research.”
There is also the Taman Warisan Pertanian or The Agriculture Heritage Park which showcases Malaysia’s commercial agriculture like the rubber tree, oil palm, coffee, tea, cocoa, fruits, herbs and spices. We would love to learn more about the local flora and I believe Taman Botani and the Agricultural Heritage Park are the two best places to enrich our knowledge on this subject.
I am sure there are more attractions in Putrajaya that would be of interest to us and the shutterbugs that we are. We plan to be making frequent trips there on weekends, which will do us a world of good, instead of spending most of our leisure time in shopping complexes wandering aimlessly because we do not know of others places to go that is interesting as well as accessible. Putrajaya is going to see more of us from now on.