Scone Weltanschauung

Apart from butter cakes, I have a fondness for scones. They are easy to make and delightful to eat. The last time that I baked some was twenty years ago. That is a very long time to be missing something that had tasted so good.

As I took a bite off the scone that had just came out from the oven, I wondered why I had taken so long to make this again. That was not just any scone. That was my favourite potato scone. That brought back memories of the time when I was carefree, and viewing the world standing up. It sure looked very different back then.

Author: Peter Tan

Peter Gabriel Tan. Penangite residing in the Klang Valley. Blissfully married to Wuan. A LaSallian through and through. Slave to three cats. Wheelchair user since 1984. End-stage renal disease since 2017. Principal Facilitator at Peter Tan Training specialising in Disability Equality Training. Former columnist of Breaking Barriers with The Borneo Post. This blog chronicles my life, thoughts and opinions. Connect with me on Twitter and Facebook.

7 thoughts on “Scone Weltanschauung”

  1. Yummy. Scones are scrumptious! Especially when smeared with butter and jam!

    My auntie made really nice, fluffy scones. I miss those scones. I miss scones. *hungry*

  2. Scones with a steaming cup of tea and milk will make me a very happy man. What kind of scones does your auntie make?

  3. She makes butter scones with raisins. 😀

    Depends on her mood really. If she is nice, she adds in raisins.

    Buttery sweet and they melt in your mouth.

  4. Ur scones make me think of my last trip 2 the Cameron Highlands with some French friends. That’s the last time I ate scones – all of 2 yrs ago….u are right. They are yummy, specially smeared with lots of butter and jam….Mmmmmmm

  5. Natasha,
    Ah, butter and raisin scones, Wuan’s favourite. It is a wonder how a simple bread like this can give such enjoyment.

    Just butter for me… dollops and dollops of it.

  6. Spit,
    That is because eating scones again after such a long time reminds me of an age when I was viewing the world from a different elevation and with different ideals.

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