Nivea Hair Gel

As far as possible, I try not to be late when someone comes to fetch me. I was running late for the BEC Reflection last night. Calum had arranged to come pick me up at 8pm. My wet hair was still dishevelled after being tied into a pony tail. There was a tube of Brylcreem Hair Gel somewhere. I grabbed what I thought was the tube, squeezed out some gel and applied on my hair. When I went to the bathroom this morning, I only realised that I had used Nivea Face Wash on my hair last night. At least it held my hair up. Now I need to go wash my hair again.

Author: Peter Tan

Peter Gabriel Tan. Penangite residing in the Klang Valley. Blissfully married to Wuan. A LaSallian through and through. Slave to three cats. Wheelchair user since 1984. End-stage renal disease since 2017. Principal Facilitator at Peter Tan Training specialising in Disability Equality Training. Former columnist of Breaking Barriers with The Borneo Post. This blog chronicles my life, thoughts and opinions. Connect with me on Twitter and Facebook.

12 thoughts on “Nivea Hair Gel”

  1. Ha! Ha! My hubby uses the same Face Wash. Now I’ll tell him that he can use that too for bad hair days 😉

  2. haha. that’s so funny, peter. a cream for face become a cream for hair.

    peter, is this calum, calum cheok? a tall specky guy who stays in sg. nibong? i know him well. though he’s suppose to be HS parishioner but he also attends mass/activities at our parish (just like me. haha).

  3. LOL! OMG! (calms down)

    That was hilarious Pete. Actually, the packaging between Brylcream Hair Gel & Nivea looks quite alike. Gee..thank God it held on! hehe.

  4. LOL. I’m sure we’ve all had a few of ‘those’ days.

    Reminds me of those cringe-worthy times I wore my top inside out or back-to-front. Oh stockings of a subtly different shade too, Subtly different, but a different shade all the same.

  5. Hahaha, with the rain in Penang, lucky you did not get caught in the rain and your hair starts bubbling. LOL!

  6. oops. i mean calum resides in lip sin garden, not sg. nibong.

    talking about ‘one of those days’, once i nearly use a cleansing cream (it come in tube form) as toothpaste!

  7. I once used shampoo as soap… for 2 days! Because I ran out of soap and was too lazy to go to the mall to get a new one.

  8. Hehe Peter today i put my Panache perfume in the fridge ,tsk tsk my excuse i have tonsilitis again n fever ,,Oh well at least my Panache is kewl .
    cheerz tcz

  9. bkworm,
    The facial cleanser has a nice fragrant to it but I do not know if using too much of it will cause hair loss o not. Be careful. 🙂

    Yes, that is the same Calum. He has been fetching me to our zone BEC Reflection.

    Actually, the Brylcreem Gel that I have is in a different colour tube but I got it confused with the one that looks almost similar to the face wash. Thank God nothing happened to my hair or scalp.

    I have gone through several other more embarassing moments. All of us have gone through that and lived to tell the story.

    A foaming head? That would have been a weird sight, especially when I am using a wheelchair.

    Like that also can?

    How does frozen perfume smell?

    That is disgusting. How many times did you gargle after that?

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