Sensuous Spuds

How could something as nondescript as a spud taste so good? This brown unassuming blob of complex carbohydrates is one of the most versatile vegetables around. Bake them, fry them, boil them or mash them, I just love them. I can eat potatoes everyday of the week. The easiest way to cook a potato is to bake it. I like my baked potatoes with tuna and shallots in mayonnaise. Here is the recipe:

Baked Potato
1 large russet potato per person
Olive oil

Clean the potato thoroughly with a stiff brush under running water. Preheat oven to 250C. Use a fork to poke holes all over the potato so that moisture can escape during baking. Lightly coat with olive oil and salt. Place potato on rack and bake for 1 hour. Cut lengthwise and serve with toppings of your choice.

Potato Facts:
Potatoes come in every size, shape and colour. This humble tuber has come a long way. The Natives of Peru have been cultivating the potato as a staple food for thousands of years. After the Conquistadors conquered the Incas, they brought it back to Europe. The potato made its way back across the Atlantic when the Europeans started to explore and colonise America.

Besides complex carbohydrates, the potato is a good source of potassium, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, and folic acid iron. It is virtually fat free. One potato provides 3g of dietary fibre, which comes up to about 10% of daily dietary fibre needs. One medium sized potato contains about 100 calories.