Dietary Plan

My dietary plan.

Before meeting Jinny at the appointed time yesterday, I went to see the dietician again. Miss Saw, the dietician at the Lam Wah Ee Hospital, explained to me in detail what my 5 daily meals should be like. My ration of three exchanges of protein for the day could be something like one portion for breakfast, one for lunch and one for breakfast or one and one half for lunch and dinner respectively. Meat protein is preferred over soy-based products as it is easier for the body to absorb. It may be difficult initially but I think I can manage eventually. It is just a matter of getting used to and adapting my daily routine around it.

I also decided to collect the Detrusitol SR since I was at the hospital. Mr. Wong, the pharmacist, had already packed them for me and I need not wait in queue to pay. It was all a breeze. The extreme side effects that I experienced could be due to many other factors and that day could be an exception. I have not felt that lousy since. My medication is getting more expensive – RM249 per month. Hopefully, the condition of my kidneys will stabilise at the current levels. It is going to be a drain on my finances should I need even more expensive drugs.

Detrusitol Discomforts

The extreme side effects of the Detrusitol SR are kicking in. My eyes are dry. I keep blinking and squinting. My mouth is dry too. There is discomfort in the abdomen. I am putting off getting the next three months’ supply from the hospital. No point spending RM747 for medicine that I cannot use nor return. Hopefully this discomfort is temporary; until my body gets used to the drug. I am so depressed now.