A mess of upturned boats and damaged nets at Pulau Betong
After the tsunami had taken almost all of their belongings came thieves who took the rest of it. There have been cases of boats, engines and nets that survived the devastating waves that went missing thereafter. While the victims of Pulau Betong were cleaning up their houses, busy salvaging their possessions and helping neighbours in this time of need, some ruthless people were taking the opportunity to steal from them. Those boats and fishing equipment were the only things left that could help them rebuild their lives and now that is gone too. My cousin?s husband had to move his boat further upriver to prevent that.
Hi Peter
I wonder do those whom steal have a conscience.
Sadly this is how some behave.
looters. they are probably drug addicts. (or not?)
It’s just disgusting to read about it. People are still grieving. Heartless vultures.
They do not have a conscince. We know that for sure.
I do not know if they are drug ddicts or not. This is just not right.
They better pray that they are not caught. God have mercy on them if they are because the fishermen are not going to have any pity for them.
Hi Peter, glad you got back in one piece. Sigh, with the best come the worst the human spirit in situations like this.
With so many lives upturned, I pray that they simply salvaged what they found to rebuild for the common good. All able bodied will go now onto the sea in whatever craft they can fashion to catch fish with which to feed the hungry until aid arrives many days hence…………… It is my fervert prayer that the people who stole boats, engines, nets from the devastation did so, not out of greedy theft, but out of a spirit of salvage and salvation. God’s mercy on all survivors and victims.
In times of crisis, we see the true colours of our fellow human which is not a bad thing. It opens our eyes and brings out the best in us too.
Although certain parts of Penang were bashed by the tsunami, the affected are speedily being helped by the government and NGOs. There is really no need to steal.