Photo by Wuan.
At 5.30pm just now, I received a call from Encik Aznan who introduced himself as the terminal manager for KLIA. This was regarding the email I wrote to Malaysia Airports. The discussion focused mainly on the disabled toilets around KLIA. He informed me that he did an inspection of those facilities and acknowledged that the sliding doors of some of the toilets were indeed difficult to open and close. Those, he said, were in the original design and they were not aware that it could cause problems for disabled persons using it.
I explained to him that I have limited hand functions and rounded knobs and small locking mechanisms for toilets doors would be difficult to for people with similar disabilities like mine to operate. Additionally, I suggested that a proper audit be carried out for all the facilities for people with disabilities to ensure that they are suitable and functional, like I have suggested earlier in my email.
Encik Aznan asked for contacts of organization of disabled persons to assist them in such matters but I did not have it offhand. I promised to check and get back to him on that. In the meantime, he said he would reply to the email that I sent. For this, Malaysia Airports gets good marks for their caring attitude and a willingness to improve on aspects where there are shortfalls. Hopefully, the problems that I highlighted would be corrected soon.
Hi Peter,
At times like these I think in Malaysia we should devising a checklist to audit a building. The checklist should be based on our guidelines. The guidelines can be found in the SDPP website.
That is the alternative to having disabled people going around the place and do an audit for them.
The minimum I suggest you should do is to make a photocopy of the type of doorhandle that you want. You could get a guideline drawing or at least contact a door accessory supplier to send a brochure.
Actually, we assume that people should know what we meant when we tell them what we want but a note or letter from you with the right specification should be enough.
But there is a bigger issue than the door handle of course. When you get stuck inside, there must be an alarm switch so that people can hear from outside to assist you.
I hope these suggestions are helpful. All the best.
That sounds encouraging. At least they are making an effort.
maybe they should study hong kong airport’s facilities for’s very efficient.
even for public transport, it’s very disabled-friendly.
my 2-cents.
glad to hear that they responded favourably 🙂
There are international standard but sadly these were not referred to suring construction. There is more than disabled toilets in this issue. I hope these installations will do a thorough audit to determine the suitability of amenities for people with disablities.
Which they rightly should.
We have people here in Malaysia who can advise on such standards but they are not being consulted.
hairy knee,
I am glad too. 😀
yeah! good for MAS!!