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Image by ReallyBites.
Related entry:
NST – May 20, 2007: Disabled want access to buses
Memorandum Regarding Accessible Buses For Disabled Persons To Dato’ Dr Teng Hock Nan
The Star – May 20, 2007: Survey on needs of the wheelchair-bound
Forum on Public Transport for Disadvantaged Groups
Hi! Peter
This seems like another delay tactics by the power to be. There are clearly visual and medical evidence that this group of law abiding citizens have to have their needs met as soon as possible. So, come on you local government / Rapid Penang, start to drop the kerbs to the same level as the bus platform or better still, buy buses that uses hydralic mechanism to automatically lower the buses to the same level as the kerbs as soon as they arrive at the bus stops. This will save time, and with free or concessional bus passes, will ease the travelling burden further. Good luck.
Pok Pek Pok Pek..
Less talk, more action please..
Dato Dr. Teng Hock Nan should be invited 2 spend a week in a wheelchair just so he can experience what it’s like to be without good accesible public transport. Is he a thinking person at all? Sigh……