It has been a struggle trying to get into a rhythm to blog regularly for the past couple of months. The current hot spell is not helping either. I relish the days when words just flowed out of my fingertips onto the keyboard. I miss those days of writing something meaningful and one that I could truly be satisfied with. Those are now a distant memory.
I have lost my blogging mojo! That is what is happening to me. The truth is I am spending too much time online mindlessly surfing and getting distracted by inconsequential issues than writing thought-provoking and profound entries. The other thing is that I have not read a good book in long while. Tuesdays with Morrie is still half read only. I need to get out of this rut.
To do that, I have resolved to spend less time online and more time to finish reading the stack of ten books or so that has been gathering dust somewhere in the house. As for blogging, it will still be inconsistent. I have given up trying to force something out when I really have nothing inside. It will come when it comes. In the meantime, I am cranking up the preparation for my wedding dinner in Penang up a notch. It is barely two months away only.
Don’t worry, Peter. Just blog when you have something to write about. Don’t force yourself to update. I usually take a break when I don’t have anything to blog about. Maybe you could blog about Tuesdays with Morrie when you finish the book? (I have read The Five People You Meet in Heaven and it’s very nice.) ^^
Aiyoyo!! brother, Tuesdays with Morrie is a one day book at most.While well written, I found that it rather too short.I find autobiographical books by local authors to be most intriguing and very interesting.So much diversity in writing styles and some you just can’t put down. They take you back to the good old days and you relive their life’s journey,trials and tribulations and experiences thru the magic of words.The autobiography of Tun Dr.Ismail is one example of an excellent can’t put down book of a great statesman.
I have short attention span mah. So Tuesdays with Morrie suits me just fine. Autobiographies are interesting reads too and I should include that in my list. Thanks.