Wuan accompanied me to the University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) yesterday. It was for my scheduled check-up at the Spinal Rehabilitation Clinic. I had been anxious from the time we went there three weeks ago to have my blood drawn for renal profile, blood glucose test and lipid profile.
Blood test results for August 2010.
I had half-expected the serum creatinine to be higher than previous results. I have been going through a spell of lethargy that I thought could be due to be caused by my kidneys. It was a great relief when I saw that the serum creatinine was 288 umol/L. No doubt, it was very high due to kidney disease, it has stayed below 300 umol/L. That was all I had been hoping for.
Serum potassium was marginally higher at 5.4 mmol/L. Normal values should be between 3.6 to 5.2 mmol/L. I need to be aware of potassium-rich food that I have to cut down on. Serum urea had come down although still above the desired range, while sodium was hovering at previous levels. Fasting blood glucose looked good. Likewise, lipid profile. Saying that I am happy with the results is an understatement. I am ecstatic!
Hi Peter, do u maintain your annual or monthly routine medical check-up since your injury eventhough you are healthy?
I’m a complete paraplegic 2 years post injury from Pg as well but since my surgery I never went to see any type of doctors except twice to see my surgery doctor thats also just to get medical report for my insurance.
I did asked him about routine medical check-up and he said I wouldn’t necessary have to do that.I just worried about my kidney.
Oh, can you write something regarding your car hand controls and put up some pictures of it as well if you don’t mind. I’ve seen a lot on youtube mostly of foreigner but never on Malaysian. I too wish to be able to drive again someday instead of being condemned in a wheelchair. Thanks.
Hi Marc, I go to the Medical Rehab Clinic at UMMC for review every 4 months. It is important to go for regular check-ups to ensure there are no complications, especially to keep an eye on the urinary system. At the very least, do consult a urologist regularly on the condition of the kidneys and bladder. When I was in Penang, I used to see Dr. Liong of the Lam Wah Ee Hospital every 3 months. You can read about the hand control in the Drive for Freedom category on the right sidebar in the main page.
Thanks Peter, I guess I will do routine check-up next year if I can find a suitable flat to stay cause I’m staying in a flat now and it is so unconvenient for me to get out of house (typical Pg Flat) infact I have been staying in my house more than 2 years without going out except for 3 or 4 times for doctor’s visit. Wow, the hand control so expensive! Yea, if I get one in future I would prefer left hand control too cause I can manoeuvre better with my right hand. I hope I can take the driving test before my original licence expired in another 3 years in order not to sit for the oral and paper test if possible.
Oh yeah, just to let you know that I joined a forum just for people like us to share our experiences and you too can share yours. I get tons of info from this forum. This is the site and its a genuine site. http://www.apparelyzed.com/forums
If I am not mistaken, you can convert the license without having to take the driving test again if your license is still valid. Check with JPJ to see what is needed to do that. Do check out http://sci.rutgers.edu/forum/index.php. This forum is for people living with SCI.
Really! I hope to be able to do that before it expired. I’ll check out that forum and nice chatting.