Breakfast For The Mind

The persistent mewing from the cat next door woke me up. It was still dark. I looked at the clock. I could barely make out the hands without my glasses. The long hand pointed to somewhere between seven and eight. Just then, Wuan walked into the room. She was getting ready for work. It must be around 7.30 am then.

I closed my eyes, trying to get back to sleep. I could not. There were one thousand and one things swirling in my mind. Not a good start to the morning. I needed ten hours of sleep to wake up refreshed. I just had six. Wuan was about to leave for work. It must be nearing eight. Sleep did not come still. I trashed about restlessly, my eyes still closed. My right heel ached.

It was still too early to get up. I asked Wuan for the book. A thick one it was. When I first held it in my hand, I wondered if I could ever finish it, remembering that Tuesdays with Morrie was only half read since three years ago. I flipped the pages to where I stopped last. Henry, Clare, dates. I am already one third through now. What that confused me earlier was now keeping me intrigued as Clare began to grow up and bloom into a young woman.

I covered twenty pages this morning. And then I felt sleepy, not because the story was boring but because I had not fulfiled my ten hour quota yet. My eyelids were becoming heavy. I closed the book and went back to sleep. The Time Traveler’s Wife can wait. That was breakfast for me, for when I woke up, I dove straight to lunch. I did not know I could satiate my morning appetite that way. What an interesting concept – time traveling.

Farewell Geocities

Do memories die? Well, it certainly is going to feel like it soon. Yahoo! is shutting down Geocities effective today (October 26 in the USA). That was where I learnt HTML to create my first homepage on my spinal injury. That was in the late 1990s. I had wanted to share my experience with the world. I created a few pages but it was a chore having to write all the codes manually.

When Wuan and I began dating, I created another website at Geocities dedicated to her. It was called Poems for Wuan. The website had a flash animation on the welcoming page. Valentine in MIDI format played in the background. Altogether, I put up eighteen poems that I wrote for her there.

In the initial years when I got online, Geocities and a few other free webhosts were the BIG thing in cyberspace. Blogs have taken over that role now. The only vestige to remind me of my days in Geocities after its demise is the Yahoo! email that I am using now. A .geo suffix was appended to my Geocities ID after Yahoo! took over and the email accounts were merged.

After I got my own domain name and hosting to start blogging, I replaced the main page at Geocities with a link to my new domain although I still maintained all the original files of the website there. The spinal injury website is now at It has been in neglect since I started The Digital Awakening. I also got Wuan her own domain name and hosting. Poems for Wuan has been taken offline and replaced with Wuan’s photoblog.

I have moved on in my cyber journey that Geocities first ignited. It had been a fortuitous one. I have made many friends along the way, learnt many valuable lessons and gotten many opportunities that I never thought possible. Farewell Geocities. Thank you for the memories.

WordPress 2.8.5: Hardening Release Upgrade Broke Pinged Trackback Status

This blog was upgraded to WordPress 2.8.5 two days ago. As with every upgrade, there is this fear of something not working afterwards. Indeed, something broke! The trackback links to Project Petaling Street that were pinged were not moved to the “Already pinged” section below the trackback input box after the upgrade. The link stays in the trackback input box. I hope this issue will be resolved in WordPress 2.9. Other than that, everything else seems to be working just fine.