Creatinine Alert

Detrusitol SR 4mg

There was a change in his demeanour from the usual. I thought he was perhaps thinking about his other patients’ problems.

“Have you been taking your Detrusitol?”

I mumbled a soft “Yes.”

“How often do you catheterise?”

“Every four hours.”

“Do you have any problems?”

I told him about the fever prior to the bloggers meet in KL.

“When you have a fever next time, come in for a culture. One day of infection is enough to wipe out your kidneys.”

I could only nod. I had a feeling that what he was to say next would not be good. He went on to say that my creatinine had shot up to 262 umol/l from the 180s. The normal threshold is around 100 umol/l. I was on the way to acute renal failure and he was really not happy with the figures. My kidneys, however, were not swollen, which meant that the intermittent catheterisation and Detrusitol are effective. I have to see the dietician again for my diet to be evaluated and revised. My protein intake of two servings per meal has to be reduced to one and one half. That is like cutting down to 75% from the two matchbox-sized portion of meat that I am allowed now.

“If that doesn’t work, you’ll have to go back to see what Dr. Liong can do for you further,” the dietician said.

This calls for another drastic change in lifestyle and dietary intake patterns. The dietician has also advised me to keep a diet log to track accurately what I have eaten. My medication was also changed. I am now to take one dose of 4mg Detrusitol SR just before bed. A one-month supply costs RM249 and it is supposed to be for the long-term. Detrusitol is prescribed for overactive bladder which may result in a reflux of urine back into the kidneys. I am still digesting this sudden assail of bad news. Hopefully the next review, which has been changed to quarterly from half yearly, will show better results.

Dull Day Turned Good

Boredom is the theme of the day. When I am bored, I get all fidgety, anxious and depressed. Raiding the fridge did not yield any comfort food or at least one that could calm me down. The three cans of 100 Plus looked inviting but I was craving for something with a stronger flavour. The lone Heineken sitting beside the trio beckoned but I do not drink beer during the day. They make me tipsy fast. I regretted having depleted my cache of frosty cold Vanilla Coke and A&W Root Beer too soon. There I sat, feeling dull, mineral bottle in hand, fulfilling my daily plain water intake quota, and mentally listing down the junk food I am going buy on my next shopping trip.

Although it had been raining on and off the whole of yesterday, the winds felt dry today. I know it because my palms and the soles of my feet are not feeling like they normally should. They are a tad smooth. Small items required more effort to pick up and grip. My feet kept slipping off the footplates. I am glad that Dr. Liong, my urologist, changed my prescription from Ditropan to Detrusitol. These two drugs are used to relax an overactive bladder. They both produce similar side effects in me, namely dry mouth and blurred vision. These problems are exacerbated during the dry season. The side effects from Detrusitol are far less pronounced. I get through the day with very little discomfort as compared to the days when I was taking the former. Now, as I think of those side effects that had made me so miserable, I am thankful for little blessings that have been coming my way. My dull day did not seem that unexciting anymore.

The State of my Kidneys

Trepidation always precedes my scheduled appointment with the urologist. Will the health of my kidneys get better or deteriorate? Wuan accompanied me to see Mr. Liong at the Lam Wah Ee Hospital for my six-monthly check-up last Thursday. I was to get my blood tested before seeing him. When I saw the hesitation of the lab technician while inserting the needle into my vein, I knew it was going to be painful. After a few failed attempts to draw blood, she gave up and retracted the syringe without first releasing the tourniquet. Naturally, blood spurted out the moment the needle was pulled out. The other lab technician had no problem drawing blood from my other arm and it was all over in a jiffy. The test would take approximately one hour to complete. In the meantime, my blood pressure was tested. At 120/80, it was considered normal.

When it was finally my turn to see the doctor, Wuan went in with me. The creatinine and uric acid levels have gone down. The creatinine has gone down to 181 umol/l from 188 umol/l. That is not a lot of change but still an improvement. The ultrasound of my left kidney showed that it is shrunken, which is consistent with previous ultrasounds. Even then, Mr. Liong assured me that it is still functional. The left kidney showed no signs of swelling which is a good sign. Even the bladder looked better. I was advised to continue with my four-hourly intermittent catheterisation, drink 300ml of water every hour and take 1mg Detrusitol twice daily. Detrusitol relaxes the bladder and must be taken with an empty stomach to optimise its absorption. The result of this check-up is like a silver lining behind the dark clouds of my extended illness that had afflicted me for the past month. I am happy that my prayers had been answered and my diet is working. Hopefully, the next check-up will show even more improvement. I am keeping my fingers crossed.