Malaysian Government’s Foolish Formula One Foray

So, Malaysia has partnered with several entrepreneurs to put together a team for the 2010 Formula One championship. If you ask me, this is a sheer waste of money. I still do not buy the logic that this will benefit the country. Honda has pulled out of the championship. BMW is to follow suit. What does the government know that Honda and BMW does not? Why do we need to spend so much money to boost our image in the international arena when there are still may people in the country who are being marginalised. Look at the Penans. Look at the squatter settlements all over the country. Look at the plight of disabled people.

I have no issue if the team is funded by private investors. However, the money that is going to be forked out by the Malaysian government through GLCs for running the Formula One outfit can be put to better use to improve the quality of life of those marginalised groups. Among others, that money should be used to uplift the life of the hardcore poor, provide decent housing to squatters, improve the public transport system and make the country accessible to everyone. I believe this is what the first half of the 1Malaysia slogan “People First, Performance Now” truly means. Lets not forget that, dear Prime Minister Najib.

Tan Kuan Aw Talks Through His Cartoons

Tan Kuan Aw on current issues in Malaysia in cartoons
Image courtesy of Tan Kuan Aw of Draw 3 Draw 4.

My good friend Kuan Aw has a “cartoon blog about life in Malaysia.” These cartoons are on current issues. They are satirical yet relevant. Do check out Draw 3 Draw 4 for a slice of kopitiam talk from the viewpoint of a man who is just a few years older than the country itself.

RIP Yasmin Ahmad

In the end it’s these small things that you remember
the little imperfections that make them perfect for you.

She made me sniffle, more often than once, usually during festive seasons. She made me chuckle, of all things about death. She is the greatest storyteller Malaysia and Malaysians have ever seen. There was never one like her, one whose talent and ingenuity will be a hard act to follow. Malaysia has lost a great daughter. Rest in peace Yasmin Ahmad.